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Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 2 by James Marchant 5.0 1 Apr 11
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 06: Paris by Giacomo Casanova and Arthur Machen 0.0 0 Mar 13
Penthesilea (German Edition) by Heinrich von Kleist 4.1 17 Mar 13
Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1751 by Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield 4.3 5 May 2
Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1759-65 by Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield 2.4 3 Mar 13
Enter the Agent - PG13 by S.R. McKenzie 3.0 4 May 2
Der zerbrochene Krug (German Edition) by Heinrich von Kleist 3.8 31 Mar 13
Early Letters of George Wm. Curtis by George William Curtis and George Willis Cooke 0.0 0 Mar 13
The Wandering Jew — Volume 11 by Eugène Sue 4.5 5 May 2
The Wandering Jew — Volume 05 by Eugène Sue 5.0 5 May 2
The Wandering Jew — Volume 06 by Eugène Sue 4.7 7 May 2
The Wandering Jew — Volume 03 by Eugène Sue 5.0 4 May 2
The Wandering Jew — Volume 04 by Eugène Sue 3.6 6 May 2
The Wandering Jew — Volume 09 by Eugène Sue 4.5 5 May 2
When Cthulhu Met Atlach-Nacha by Alan Ryker 4.0 59 Apr 11
Professor Bernhardi (German Edition) by Adolf Schmitthenner 4.2 23 Mar 13
The Wandering Jew — Volume 07 by Eugène Sue 5.0 5 May 2
Dieci buoni motivi per (non) farla finita (Italian Edition) by Antropoetico 3.3 18 Jun 17
Ödipus der Tyrann. Übersetzt von Friedrich Hölderlin (German Edition) by Sophokles 4.2 18 Mar 13
Nathan der Weise (German Edition) by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 4.3 592 May 2
The Wandering Jew — Volume 08 by Eugène Sue 4.5 9 May 2
Oedipe (French Edition) by Voltaire 4.4 40 Mar 13
Nanine (French Edition) by Voltaire 3.6 6 Mar 13
Spiegelmensch (German Edition) by Franz Werfel 0.0 0 Mar 13
Refusing to Repent: New Edited Edition by Patricia Gauthier 3.9 20 May 2
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Avg 5.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Apr 11
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 06: Paris by Giacomo Casanova and Arthur Machen
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Penthesilea (German Edition) by Heinrich von Kleist
Avg 4.1 of 17 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Avg 4.3 of 5 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 2.4 of 3 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Enter the Agent - PG13 by S.R. McKenzie
Avg 3.0 of 4 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Der zerbrochene Krug (German Edition) by Heinrich von Kleist
Avg 3.8 of 31 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Early Letters of George Wm. Curtis by George William Curtis and George Willis Cooke
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Avg 4.5 of 5 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 5.0 of 5 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 4.7 of 7 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 5.0 of 4 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 3.6 of 6 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 4.5 of 5 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 4.0 of 59 ratings - Last Verified Apr 11
Professor Bernhardi (German Edition) by Adolf Schmitthenner
Avg 4.2 of 23 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Avg 5.0 of 5 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 3.3 of 18 ratings - Last Verified Jun 17
Avg 4.2 of 18 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Nathan der Weise (German Edition) by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Avg 4.3 of 592 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 4.5 of 9 ratings - Last Verified May 2
Avg 4.4 of 40 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Avg 3.6 of 6 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
Avg 3.9 of 20 ratings - Last Verified May 2