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Listing Free Ebooks at Amazon

Book Avg Rating Num Ratings Last Verified
El Despertar de los Dragones (Reyes y Hechiceros—Libro 1) (Spanish Edition) by Morgan Rice 4.3 4004 Aug 15
Essense Weaver (Monster Mage) by Wolfe Locke and Celestian Rince 3.9 133 Oct 16
The Winter Freak Show (The Twisted Christmas Trilogy Book 1) by Daniel Parsons 4.3 84 Oct 19
Life of Bailey: A True Life Story from Puppy to Dog by Sensei Paul David 0.0 0 Aug 8
Beyond the Tower (The Journey Series (Fairytales Retold) Book 1) by JacQueline Vaughn Roe 4.0 119 Mar 1
The Hero From The Sky (The STRIKE Series Book 1) by Charlie Wood 4.0 102 May 4
Kell, the Alien (The Aliens, Inc. Chapter Book series 1) by Darcy Pattison and Rich Davis 4.4 116 Aug 22
Minecraft Diary of a Zombie Hunter Player Team 'The Skull Kids' - Book 1: Unofficial Minecraft Books for Kids, Teens, & Nerds - Adventure Fan Fiction Diary ... Hunter Skull Kids Hunting Herob by Skeleton Steve , Crafty Creeper Art 0.0 0 Aug 8
The Boy Who Cried Ghost: A Ghost Town Mystery by Richard Clark 4.0 49 Aug 22
The Seventh Sense (Mystics Book 1) by Kim Richardson 4.3 1010 Aug 15
Chase: The Boy Who Hid (the Hide & Seek Chronicles, Teen Sci-Fi Adventure Book 1) by Z Jeffries 4.3 32 Aug 22
Marked (Soul Guardians Book 1) by Kim Richardson 4.2 2848 Jul 22
Secrets of the Past: Ocean Academy Year 1 by Sarah Elizabeth 4.4 217 Jul 16
The First by Dylan S. Perry , Eliza Kirby 3.8 160 Mar 17
Sleepers (The Blue Planets World Series Book 1) by Darcy Pattison 4.5 195 Dec 19
(1) Fierce Winds and Fiery Dragons (Dusky Hollows) by Nan Sweet 4.3 2307 Jun 9
The Faerie Prince (Creepy Hollow Book 2) by Rachel Morgan 4.6 2405 Jul 19
Wulf The K9 P.I : The Case Of The Haunted House by The Bivens Brothers 4.3 407 Aug 15
Sal de mis sueños (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Trujillo Sanz , Laura Moreno Bango 4.1 3535 Aug 15
Millie va al espacio / Millie goes to space: Un libro bilingüe para niños / A Bilingual Book for Toddlers (The Millie books series) by Erika Deery 4.5 413 Aug 1
Hinges of Broams Eld (a Kids' Fantasy Mystery) by Jennifer Cano 4.6 439 Aug 15
Hall of Heroes: A Fellowship of Fantasy Anthology by H. L. Burke , Laura VanArendonk Baugh 4.2 320 Jul 16
The Witches of the Wytewoods by M J Thompson 4.4 216 Jul 18
The Immortal Mark by Amy Sparling 4.0 472 May 6
La Ciudad Vertical: Cuarta Edición (Spanish Edition) by Javier Torras de Ugarte 4.0 249 Aug 22
Sort by: Avg Rating | Num Ratings | Last Verified
Avg 4.3 of 4004 ratings - Last Verified Aug 15
Essense Weaver (Monster Mage) by Wolfe Locke and Celestian Rince
Avg 3.9 of 133 ratings - Last Verified Oct 16
Avg 4.3 of 84 ratings - Last Verified Oct 19
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Aug 8
Avg 4.0 of 119 ratings - Last Verified Mar 1
Avg 4.0 of 102 ratings - Last Verified May 4
Avg 4.4 of 116 ratings - Last Verified Aug 22
Avg 4.0 of 49 ratings - Last Verified Aug 22
Avg 4.3 of 1010 ratings - Last Verified Aug 15
Avg 4.3 of 32 ratings - Last Verified Aug 22
Marked (Soul Guardians Book 1) by Kim Richardson
Avg 4.2 of 2848 ratings - Last Verified Jul 22
Avg 4.4 of 217 ratings - Last Verified Jul 16
The First by Dylan S. Perry , Eliza Kirby
Avg 3.8 of 160 ratings - Last Verified Mar 17
Avg 4.5 of 195 ratings - Last Verified Dec 19
Avg 4.3 of 2307 ratings - Last Verified Jun 9
Avg 4.6 of 2405 ratings - Last Verified Jul 19
Avg 4.3 of 407 ratings - Last Verified Aug 15
Sal de mis sueños (Spanish Edition) by Fernando Trujillo Sanz , Laura Moreno Bango
Avg 4.1 of 3535 ratings - Last Verified Aug 15
Avg 4.6 of 439 ratings - Last Verified Aug 15
Hall of Heroes: A Fellowship of Fantasy Anthology by H. L. Burke , Laura VanArendonk Baugh
Avg 4.2 of 320 ratings - Last Verified Jul 16
Avg 4.4 of 216 ratings - Last Verified Jul 18
The Immortal Mark by Amy Sparling
Avg 4.0 of 472 ratings - Last Verified May 6
Avg 4.0 of 249 ratings - Last Verified Aug 22