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Book Avg Rating Num Ratings Last Verified
Appearances Being Notes of Travel by G. Lowes (Goldsworthy Lowes) Dickinson 5.0 1 Dec 29
Terrestrial and Celestial Globes (Vol. 1&2): Complete Edition by Edward Luther Stevenson 0.0 0 Sep 25
Gutenberg, die Erfindung des Typengusses und seine Frühdrucke (German Edition) by Georg Domel 0.0 0 Dec 29
Progress and History by Various and Francis Sydney Marvin 5.0 1 Mar 1
Das Hebräerland (German Edition) by Else Lasker-Schüler 3.5 10 Mar 1
Ueber die Geometrie der alten Aegypter. Vortrag, gehalten in der feierlichen Sitzung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 29. Mai 1884. (German Edition) by Emil Weyr 4.7 5 Dec 29
Raising the Tents by Francis Payne Adler 2.0 1 Jul 28
All My Georgias: Paris-New York-Tbilisi by Redjeb Jordania 4.4 19 Aug 13
Eine Geschichte der Juden (German Edition) by Carl Karlweis 4.0 8 Dec 29
Arraiais e vilas d'el rei: espaço e poder nas Minas setecentistas (Portuguese Edition) by Cláudia Damasceno Fonseca and Maria Juliana Gambogi Teixeira 4.8 28 Dec 29
Eastern European History Review: annually historical journal n.1/2018 by Alessandro Boccolini 0.0 0 Jul 29
Travels in Morocco (Vol. 1&2): Complete Edition by James Richardson 4.3 6 Jul 2
Global Commons im 20. Jahrhundert: Entwürfe für eine globale Welt (German Edition) by Isabella Löhr and Andrea Rehling 0.0 0 Aug 12
Suicídio revolucionário: a luta armada e a herança da quimérica revolução em etapas (Portuguese Edition) by Claudinei Cássio de Rezende 4.2 9 Dec 29
Le Coiffeur de Marie-Antoinette et autres oubliés de l'histoire (Extrait) (French Edition) by Frédéric RICHAUD 2.5 22 Apr 2
Il cammino della civiltà attraverso i documenti fondativi. Dalla Magna Charta alla Carta della Terra passando per cinque pietre miliari (Sulle orme della Storia) (Italian Edition) by Jacopo Foggi 3.9 46 Mar 5
A oeste das minas: escravos, índios e homens livres numa fronteira oitocentista Triângulo Mineiro (1750-1861) (Portuguese Edition) by Luís Augusto Bustamante Lourenço 4.7 51 Dec 29
Yacht’n Italy Export Museum. Il Mediterranean Style 1999-2015. Volume III (Italian Edition) by Massimo Musio-Sale and Pier Federico Caliari 3.0 1 May 22
Spanish America (Vol.1&2): Historical Account of the Dominions of Spain (Complete Edition) by Sir Richard Henry Bonnycastle 5.0 1 Dec 29
A Short History of the World by H. G. Wells 4.0 111 Sep 25
Der letzte Sonnensohn: Die Geschichte hinter der Eroberung des Inkareiches: Der letzte Herrscher des Inkareiches und sein Kampf gegen Francisko Pizarro (German Edition) by Johannes Scherr 5.0 1 Sep 25
Das Buch der 1000 Wunder: Weltwunder: Architektur + Menschenleben + Tierwelt + Wahn + Mystik + Mathematik + Physik und Chemie + Technik + Erde + Himmel + Sprache und Schönheit (German Edition by Alexander Moszkowski 2.3 3 Sep 25
The French Revolution by Hilaire Belloc 4.2 7 Oct 29
The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem Van Loon 3.7 138 Oct 2
Vermin, Victims and Disease: British Debates over Bovine Tuberculosis and Badgers by Angela Cassidy 4.6 14 Jul 28
Sort by: Avg Rating | Num Ratings | Last Verified
Appearances Being Notes of Travel by G. Lowes (Goldsworthy Lowes) Dickinson
Avg 5.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Dec 29
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Sep 25
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Dec 29
Progress and History by Various and Francis Sydney Marvin
Avg 5.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Mar 1
Das Hebräerland (German Edition) by Else Lasker-Schüler
Avg 3.5 of 10 ratings - Last Verified Mar 1
Raising the Tents by Francis Payne Adler
Avg 2.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Jul 28
Avg 4.4 of 19 ratings - Last Verified Aug 13
Avg 4.0 of 8 ratings - Last Verified Dec 29
Arraiais e vilas d'el rei: espaço e poder nas Minas setecentistas (Portuguese Edition) by Cláudia Damasceno Fonseca and Maria Juliana Gambogi Teixeira
Avg 4.8 of 28 ratings - Last Verified Dec 29
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Jul 29
Avg 4.3 of 6 ratings - Last Verified Jul 2
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Aug 12
Avg 4.2 of 9 ratings - Last Verified Dec 29
Avg 2.5 of 22 ratings - Last Verified Apr 2
Avg 3.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified May 22
Avg 5.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Dec 29
Avg 4.0 of 111 ratings - Last Verified Sep 25
The French Revolution by Hilaire Belloc
Avg 4.2 of 7 ratings - Last Verified Oct 29
The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem Van Loon
Avg 3.7 of 138 ratings - Last Verified Oct 2
Avg 4.6 of 14 ratings - Last Verified Jul 28