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Book Avg Rating Num Ratings Last Verified
Just Like Other Daughters by Colleen Faulkner 4.5 220 Mar 3
Night of the Living Demon Slayer (Biker Witches Book 7) by Angie Fox 4.5 1046 Jul 27
Bertie, the Upside Down Lighthouse and the Circus by Archibald A Arbuckle and Syeda Fizza 5.0 3 Mar 3
The Mayor's Race (Carolina Callings Book 2) by Travis Casey 4.3 63 Mar 3
A Cozy Beatles Mystery: Larceny in Liverpool (A Cozy Beatles Mystery Series Book 1) by Kal Smagh 4.2 108 Mar 3
The Invisible Assistant: An Eli Marks Short Mystery (The Eli Marks Mysteries) by John Gaspard 4.3 44 Mar 28
Love in the Time of the Improvised Explosive Device (The New Espionage Collection Book 2) by JR Pomerantz 4.1 13 Mar 9
Treasures Found: The road into their historical ghost town is a real trip, they need new beds, and her kids are keeping secrets again. Clean women's fiction. (Mae's Second Chance Book 2) by Jacie Middlemann 4.5 38 Mar 3
Candy, Murder, and Just Desserts: Cozy Mystery with Recipes (Cookie Berelli cozy mysteries Book 2) by Carolyn Chambers Clark 3.7 8 Mar 3
The Raven Conspiracy by Michael Spratt 4.2 605 Mar 3
Being Bad by Alyson Belle 4.5 27 Mar 3
The Lost Art: A Romantic Comedy (Sweet Standalones) by Jennifer Griffith 4.4 99 Mar 3
The Contract: A Lou Fleener Mystery (Lou Fleener Mysteries Book 8) by Duane Lindsay 4.4 135 May 9
Fluffy (The Do-Over Series) by Julia Kent 4.2 2892 May 9
Nobody Tells Lia Anything: Laugh out loud paranormal chick lit (Spooky Matchmakers Book 1) by Carol Maloney Scott and Nick Rissmeyer 3.8 82 Mar 3
La femme de mon mari (French Edition) by Codou Diop and Codou Diop 4.3 38 Mar 3
Dr. Grass by Grania Davis and Or All The Seas With Oysters Publishing LLC 2.9 3 Mar 3
Relative Strangers by S M Mala 3.9 29 Mar 3
The Eye of a Dragon: The Dragons of Dorwine: Book 2 by Jack Adkins 4.6 10 Mar 3
White Monkey by Carlos Hughes , Chris Duggan 3.8 22 Mar 3
A Place for Murder (Nick Steele Book 4) by Dave Vizard 4.7 60 Mar 3
The Girl He Knows (A No Strings Attached Series Book 2) by Kristi Rose 4.2 624 Mar 28
THE ROAD TO HELL by Paul Levine 3.9 139 Mar 3
The Lou Fleener Private Eye Series: Books 1-6 (Lou Fleener Mysteries Book 11) by Duane Lindsay 4.4 752 Mar 5
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis 4.0 432 Mar 28
Sort by: Avg Rating | Num Ratings | Last Verified
Just Like Other Daughters by Colleen Faulkner
Avg 4.5 of 220 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.5 of 1046 ratings - Last Verified Jul 27
Bertie, the Upside Down Lighthouse and the Circus by Archibald A Arbuckle and Syeda Fizza
Avg 5.0 of 3 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.3 of 63 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.2 of 108 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.3 of 44 ratings - Last Verified Mar 28
Avg 4.1 of 13 ratings - Last Verified Mar 9
Avg 3.7 of 8 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
The Raven Conspiracy by Michael Spratt
Avg 4.2 of 605 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Being Bad by Alyson Belle
Avg 4.5 of 27 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.4 of 99 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.4 of 135 ratings - Last Verified May 9
Avg 4.2 of 2892 ratings - Last Verified May 9
Avg 3.8 of 82 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
La femme de mon mari (French Edition) by Codou Diop and Codou Diop
Avg 4.3 of 38 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Dr. Grass by Grania Davis and Or All The Seas With Oysters Publishing LLC
Avg 2.9 of 3 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Relative Strangers by S M Mala
Avg 3.9 of 29 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.6 of 10 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
White Monkey by Carlos Hughes , Chris Duggan
Avg 3.8 of 22 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.7 of 60 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.2 of 624 ratings - Last Verified Mar 28
THE ROAD TO HELL by Paul Levine
Avg 3.9 of 139 ratings - Last Verified Mar 3
Avg 4.4 of 752 ratings - Last Verified Mar 5
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
Avg 4.0 of 432 ratings - Last Verified Mar 28