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Book Avg Rating Num Ratings Last Verified
Writing Pirates: Vernacular Fiction and Oceans in Late Ming China by Yuanfei Wang 4.1 5 Apr 5
The Subject(s) of Human Rights: Crises, Violations, and Asian/American Critique (Asian American History and Culture) by Cathy J. Schlund-Vials, Guy Beauregard 0.0 0 Mar 23
The Centaur by Algernon Blackwood 4.1 39 Apr 28
The Craft of Poetry: Dialogues on Minimal Interpretation by Derek Attridge and Henry Staten 4.4 24 Aug 17
Job, Boethius, and Epic Truth by Ann W. Astell 4.4 9 Aug 17
Beside You in Time: Sense Methods and Queer Sociabilities in the American Nineteenth Century by Elizabeth Freeman 5.0 1 Jul 31
Chinese Sympathies: Media, Missionaries, and World Literature from Marco Polo to Goethe (Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thought) by Daniel Leonhard Purdy 4.5 2 Jul 9
Catherine De Medici by Honoré de Balzac and Katharine Prescott Wormeley 3.6 83 Aug 17
Plays by Anton Chekhov, Second Series by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 4.1 232 Mar 30
Cold War Reckonings: Authoritarianism and the Genres of Decolonization by Jini Kim Watson 4.6 6 Aug 17
Many Ways for Cooking Eggs by Sarah Tyson Heston Rorer 4.0 99 May 2
A House to Let by Wilkie Collins , Charles Dickens 4.1 351 Jul 9
The Witch and other stories by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 4.2 195 Apr 5
The Cossacks by Graf Leo Tolstoy 3.9 339 Aug 17
Poets, Patrons, and Printers: Crisis of Authority in Late Medieval France by Cynthia J. Brown 4.2 12 Aug 17
Chaos Bound: Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science by N. Katherine Hayles 4.5 30 Aug 17
The Truth about Jesus : Is He a Myth? by M. M. (Mangasar Mugurditch) Mangasarian 4.1 68 Mar 13
Becoming Bestsellers: John Grisham and Danielle Steel (Sample from Chapter 2 of THE BESTSELLER CODE): Anatomy of the Blockbuster Novel by Jodie Archer and Matthew L. Jockers 3.9 58 Aug 17
Mixed Feelings: Tropes of Love in German Jewish Culture (Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thought) by Katja Garloff 3.5 4 Jul 9
The Schoolmistress, and other stories by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 4.2 166 Jul 9
The Farm That Won't Wear Out by Cyril G. (George) Hopkins 3.7 8 Mar 23
The Literary History of the Igbo Novel: African Literature in African Languages (Routledge African Studies) by Ernest N. Emenyonu 4.3 10 Jul 13
The Damned by Algernon Blackwood 4.1 44 Jan 20
A Prisoner in Fairyland by Algernon Blackwood 3.9 18 Jun 29
Tiananmen Fictions outside the Square: The Chinese Literary Diaspora and the Politics of Global Culture (Asian American History and Culture) by Belinda Kong 5.0 1 Jul 31
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Avg 4.1 of 5 ratings - Last Verified Apr 5
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Mar 23
The Centaur by Algernon Blackwood
Avg 4.1 of 39 ratings - Last Verified Apr 28
Avg 4.4 of 24 ratings - Last Verified Aug 17
Avg 4.4 of 9 ratings - Last Verified Aug 17
Avg 5.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Jul 31
Catherine De Medici by Honoré de Balzac and Katharine Prescott Wormeley
Avg 3.6 of 83 ratings - Last Verified Aug 17
Plays by Anton Chekhov, Second Series by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Avg 4.1 of 232 ratings - Last Verified Mar 30
Avg 4.6 of 6 ratings - Last Verified Aug 17
Many Ways for Cooking Eggs by Sarah Tyson Heston Rorer
Avg 4.0 of 99 ratings - Last Verified May 2
A House to Let by Wilkie Collins , Charles Dickens
Avg 4.1 of 351 ratings - Last Verified Jul 9
The Witch and other stories by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Avg 4.2 of 195 ratings - Last Verified Apr 5
The Cossacks by Graf Leo Tolstoy
Avg 3.9 of 339 ratings - Last Verified Aug 17
Avg 4.2 of 12 ratings - Last Verified Aug 17
Avg 4.5 of 30 ratings - Last Verified Aug 17
The Truth about Jesus : Is He a Myth? by M. M. (Mangasar Mugurditch) Mangasarian
Avg 4.1 of 68 ratings - Last Verified Mar 13
The Schoolmistress, and other stories by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Avg 4.2 of 166 ratings - Last Verified Jul 9
The Farm That Won't Wear Out by Cyril G. (George) Hopkins
Avg 3.7 of 8 ratings - Last Verified Mar 23
The Damned by Algernon Blackwood
Avg 4.1 of 44 ratings - Last Verified Jan 20
A Prisoner in Fairyland by Algernon Blackwood
Avg 3.9 of 18 ratings - Last Verified Jun 29