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Book Avg Rating Num Ratings Last Verified
Rebel Without A Clue: A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Rule (Planet Hy Man Book 1) by Kerrie Noor and Sarah Kolb-Williams 3.0 47 Apr 29
Squirrel & Swan Precious Things: A charming mystery series set in New Zealand (S & S Investigations Book 1) by M. D. Archer 4.4 405 Aug 6
The Death Of Me: A Split Second Decision. A Lifetime Of Regret by Natalie Hames 4.2 1891 Jul 8
The Earl and the Mud-Covered Maiden: The House of Hale Book One : A Regency Romance by GL Robinson 4.2 1035 Jul 31
To Save a Sinner by Adele Clee 4.3 1295 Sep 18
Clear Skies: Stormcloud Station Series by Suzanne Cass 4.2 464 Jun 6
Dog Flight and Other Short Horror Stories by D. T. Adams 3.3 3 Sep 8
Dangerous Deeds: A Westport Cozy Mystery ~ Lizzie (The Westport Mysteries Book 1) by Beth Prentice 4.4 2348 Aug 13
Falling for Jack (A City of Sails Romance Book 1) by Joanne Hill 4.3 436 Jul 8
The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare by G. K. Chesterton 4.1 2404 Jul 2
New Year's Masquerade: A Countess Chronicles Short Story (The Countess Chronicles) by Katherine Grant 3.9 47 Sep 18
THE ANGOLA DECEPTION: A Global Conspiracy Action Thriller (The Rogue State series Book 1) by DC Alden 4.3 970 Apr 26
The Thirty-Nine Steps (Richard Hannay Book 1) by John Buchan 3.9 886 Oct 2
Come Back to Me (Love Across Time Book 1) by Annie Seaton 4.0 92 Sep 18
Wicked Gods (Gifted Academy Book 1) by Michelle Hercules 4.6 1015 Oct 1
Too Clever by Half: Harrow's Finest Five Series by Nancy Yeager 4.4 119 Oct 21
Starlit Skies: Stormcloud Station Series by Suzanne Cass 4.4 252 Nov 18
Making Changes: Four women, four new captivating short stories by Mary Grand 4.2 139 Nov 2
To Love: A Fake Relationship Romance (Bad Idea Billionaires Romance Series Book 1) by Daniella Brodsky 4.1 343 Nov 10
Greyfriars Bobby by Eleanor Atkinson 4.6 81 Oct 21
Insert Happy Ending: An Opposites Attract Sweet Romance by Sara Breaker 3.4 47 Apr 21
Lie of the Tiger (Windy Mountain Book 1) by John Martin 4.1 164 May 8
Mr. Standfast (Richard Hannay Book 3) by John Buchan 4.0 236 Oct 22
No Room for Regret (Cullen - Bartlett Dynasty Book 1) by Janeen Ann O'Connell 4.4 248 Jul 31
Crystal Skies: Stormcloud Station Series by Suzanne Cass 4.3 493 Jan 10
Sort by: Avg Rating | Num Ratings | Last Verified
Avg 3.0 of 47 ratings - Last Verified Apr 29
Avg 4.2 of 1891 ratings - Last Verified Jul 8
Avg 4.2 of 1035 ratings - Last Verified Jul 31
To Save a Sinner by Adele Clee
Avg 4.3 of 1295 ratings - Last Verified Sep 18
Avg 4.2 of 464 ratings - Last Verified Jun 6
Avg 3.3 of 3 ratings - Last Verified Sep 8
Avg 4.4 of 2348 ratings - Last Verified Aug 13
Avg 4.3 of 436 ratings - Last Verified Jul 8
Avg 4.1 of 2404 ratings - Last Verified Jul 2
Avg 3.9 of 47 ratings - Last Verified Sep 18
Avg 4.3 of 970 ratings - Last Verified Apr 26
Avg 3.9 of 886 ratings - Last Verified Oct 2
Avg 4.0 of 92 ratings - Last Verified Sep 18
Avg 4.6 of 1015 ratings - Last Verified Oct 1
Avg 4.4 of 119 ratings - Last Verified Oct 21
Avg 4.4 of 252 ratings - Last Verified Nov 18
Avg 4.2 of 139 ratings - Last Verified Nov 2
Avg 4.1 of 343 ratings - Last Verified Nov 10
Greyfriars Bobby by Eleanor Atkinson
Avg 4.6 of 81 ratings - Last Verified Oct 21
Avg 3.4 of 47 ratings - Last Verified Apr 21
Avg 4.1 of 164 ratings - Last Verified May 8
Avg 4.0 of 236 ratings - Last Verified Oct 22
Avg 4.4 of 248 ratings - Last Verified Jul 31
Avg 4.3 of 493 ratings - Last Verified Jan 10