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Book Avg Rating Num Ratings Last Verified
A Real Cowboy Never Says No (Wyoming Rebels) by Stephanie Rowe 4.6 2199 Nov 18
Rough and Honorable (Rough Edges Book 1) by Pippa Greathouse and RuCaine 4.1 239 Aug 14
Falling Fast (The Lodge Series Novels Book 4) by J.H. Croix 4.4 278 Aug 5
Belong To You (Riding Tall Book 10) by Cheyenne McCray 4.4 410 Sep 6
Scars of the Heart: A Clean and Sweet Historical Western Romance (Brides of Lilac Grove Book 1) by Kristene Holloway 4.5 327 May 10
The Cowboy and His Mistletoe Kiss: A Cowboy Christmas Romance (Cowboys of Rock Springs, Texas Book 1) by Kaci M. Rose 4.5 588 Aug 14
Loving Diana (Mountie Brides Book 1) by Kate Bridges 4.3 240 Jun 24
Roses and Rodeo (Rough and Ready Book 5) by Cheyenne McCray 4.4 309 Aug 5
Redeeming the Prodigal: Western Family Saga Romance (Cross Family Saga Book 1) by Jodi Basye 4.5 263 Apr 2
The Purchased Bride (Nebraska Prairie Series Book 1) by Ruth Ann Nordin 4.4 770 Aug 14
Ride Me Dirty (Bridgewater County Book 1) by Vanessa Vale 4.3 1562 Nov 30
Firelight (Stargazer Ranch Mystery Romance Book 2) by Suzanne Cass 4.3 115 Aug 5
The Cowboy's One and Only (The Brothers of Thatcher Ranch Book 1) by April Murdock 4.2 745 Aug 14
The Mail-Order Bride Carries a Gun (Brides of Sweet Creek Ranch Book 1) by Wanda Ann Thomas 0.0 0 Aug 11
What New Beginnings Are Made Of (Star Gazer Inn of Corpus Christi Bay Book 1) by Debra Clopton 4.5 5683 Aug 14
Boaz's Wager (Montana Collection Book 2) by Ruth Ann Nordin 4.3 395 Aug 14
Time to Save a Cowboy (Western Time Travel Romance Book 1) by Niki J. Mitchell 4.2 289 Aug 4
Spring Texas Bride (The Brides of Bliss Texas Book 1) by Katie Lane 4.5 346 Aug 4
Change of Heart by Fran Shaff 4.0 69 Aug 4
Texas Roots: The Gallaghers of Sweetgrass Springs by Jean Brashear 4.5 989 Jan 10
Restless Hearts Beneath The Big Sky: Montana Country Inn Romance Series. The Prequel. by Amy Rafferty 4.2 224 Jun 30
Snowbound: A Christmas Novella (Stargazer Ranch Mystery Romance Book 3) by Suzanne Cass 4.5 28 Aug 4
The Cowboy's Baby Bargain (Brides of Haven) by Jenna Jacob 3.8 328 Jun 6
Evidence of Trust (Colorado Trust Series Book 1) by Stacey Joy Netzel and Stacy D. Holmes 4.4 3321 May 21
The Lawman: Saddles and Secrets Series by Shirley Penick 4.0 185 Aug 4
Sort by: Avg Rating | Num Ratings | Last Verified
Avg 4.6 of 2199 ratings - Last Verified Nov 18
Rough and Honorable (Rough Edges Book 1) by Pippa Greathouse and RuCaine
Avg 4.1 of 239 ratings - Last Verified Aug 14
Avg 4.4 of 278 ratings - Last Verified Aug 5
Avg 4.4 of 410 ratings - Last Verified Sep 6
Avg 4.5 of 327 ratings - Last Verified May 10
Avg 4.3 of 240 ratings - Last Verified Jun 24
Avg 4.4 of 309 ratings - Last Verified Aug 5
Avg 4.5 of 263 ratings - Last Verified Apr 2
Avg 4.4 of 770 ratings - Last Verified Aug 14
Avg 4.3 of 1562 ratings - Last Verified Nov 30
Avg 4.3 of 115 ratings - Last Verified Aug 5
Avg 4.2 of 745 ratings - Last Verified Aug 14
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Aug 11
Avg 4.5 of 5683 ratings - Last Verified Aug 14
Avg 4.3 of 395 ratings - Last Verified Aug 14
Avg 4.2 of 289 ratings - Last Verified Aug 4
Avg 4.5 of 346 ratings - Last Verified Aug 4
Change of Heart by Fran Shaff
Avg 4.0 of 69 ratings - Last Verified Aug 4
Avg 4.5 of 989 ratings - Last Verified Jan 10
Avg 4.2 of 224 ratings - Last Verified Jun 30
Avg 4.5 of 28 ratings - Last Verified Aug 4
Avg 3.8 of 328 ratings - Last Verified Jun 6
Evidence of Trust (Colorado Trust Series Book 1) by Stacey Joy Netzel and Stacy D. Holmes
Avg 4.4 of 3321 ratings - Last Verified May 21
Avg 4.0 of 185 ratings - Last Verified Aug 4