Listing Free Ebooks at Amazon

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Dança na cultura digital (Portuguese Edition) by Ivani Santana 4.6 17 Mar 11
The Economics of Discontent: From Failing Elites to The Rise of Populism by Jean-Michel Paul 4.2 760 Aug 15
Poor Man's Fortune: White Working-Class Conservatism in American Metal Mining, 1850–1950 by Jarod Roll 4.0 19 Aug 15
Pragmatism, Rights, and Democracy (American Philosophy Book 11) by Beth J. Singer 3.7 10 Aug 15
码农·Lisp面面观(总第13期) (Chinese Edition) by 码农 and 图灵社区 5.0 1 Oct 29
The Ultimate Guide to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains: How to Mine a Cryptocurrency and Best Strategies for Trading by Donald Keyn 4.4 8 Jul 19
The Essential Hayek (Essential Scholars) by Donald J. Boudreaux 4.5 833 Aug 2
Principles of Microeconomics 2e by Steven A. Greenlaw and OpenStax 4.6 570 Aug 2
Robots and AI: A New Economic Era (Routledge-ERIA Studies in Development Economics) by Lili Yan Ing and Gene M. Grossman 5.0 2 Aug 2
王阳明全集(4) (Chinese Edition) by 王守仁 5.0 2 Jul 19
Principles of Economics 2e by Timothy Taylor, Steven A. Greenlaw 4.5 533 Aug 2
Mathematics of Economics and Business by Frank Werner and Yuri N. Sotskov 4.3 278 Aug 2
All in One Worksheet - Fraction, Decimal, Percentage Correspondences - Part IV - Decimals to Fractions by Jamie Frost 3.9 8 Apr 8
The Essential Austrian Economics (Essential Scholars) by Christopher J. Coyne and Peter J. Boettke 4.5 93 Aug 2
The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes (Economic Theory Classic) by Adam Smith 4.6 2260 Oct 28
Public Health Humanitarian Responses to Natural Disasters (Routledge Humanitarian Studies) by Emily Ying Yang Chan 4.0 1 Jul 26
Origini - The Comic saga Vol. 5: The Book of Summonings by Stefano Nicotra 0.0 0 Jul 26
Principles of Macroeconomics 2e by Timothy Taylor, Steven A. Greenlaw 4.6 616 Aug 2
The Essential Milton Friedman (Essential Scholars) by Steven Landsburg 4.5 190 Aug 2
Models of Political Economy by Hannu Nurmi 4.5 61 Aug 6
Financial Terms Dictionary - 100 Most Popular Financial Terms Explained by Thomas Herold 4.2 117 Aug 2
The Essential Adam Smith (Essential Scholars) by James Otteson 4.6 174 Aug 2
True Cost Accounting for Food: Balancing the Scale (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment) by Barbara Gemmill-Herren, Lauren E. Baker 0.0 0 Aug 9
Finance 4.0 - Towards a Socio-Ecological Finance System: A Participatory Framework to Promote Sustainability (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) by Marcus M. Dapp, Dirk Helbing 0.0 0 Aug 7
The Coming Greater Depression: HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE WORST ECONOMIC CRISIS OF ALL TIME. by Nate Plissken 4.1 51 Sep 25
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Avg 4.6 of 17 ratings - Last Verified Mar 11
Avg 4.2 of 760 ratings - Last Verified Aug 15
Avg 4.0 of 19 ratings - Last Verified Aug 15
Avg 3.7 of 10 ratings - Last Verified Aug 15
Avg 5.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Oct 29
Avg 4.5 of 833 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Principles of Microeconomics 2e by Steven A. Greenlaw and OpenStax
Avg 4.6 of 570 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Avg 5.0 of 2 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Avg 5.0 of 2 ratings - Last Verified Jul 19
Principles of Economics 2e by Timothy Taylor, Steven A. Greenlaw
Avg 4.5 of 533 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Mathematics of Economics and Business by Frank Werner and Yuri N. Sotskov
Avg 4.3 of 278 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
The Essential Austrian Economics (Essential Scholars) by Christopher J. Coyne and Peter J. Boettke
Avg 4.5 of 93 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Avg 4.6 of 2260 ratings - Last Verified Oct 28
Avg 4.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Jul 26
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Jul 26
Principles of Macroeconomics 2e by Timothy Taylor, Steven A. Greenlaw
Avg 4.6 of 616 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Avg 4.5 of 190 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Avg 4.5 of 61 ratings - Last Verified Aug 6
Avg 4.2 of 117 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Avg 4.6 of 174 ratings - Last Verified Aug 2
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Aug 9
Avg 4.1 of 51 ratings - Last Verified Sep 25