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Masculinities in Forests: Representations of Diversity (The Earthscan Forest Library) by Carol J. Pierce Colfer 5.0 4 May 12
Collaborating Against Child Abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model by Susanna Johansson, Kari Stefansen 4.3 7 Aug 12
Die Praxis der Verständigung im Strafprozess: Eine Evaluation der Vorschriften des Gesetzes zur Regelung der Verständigung im Strafverfahren vom 29. Juli 2009 (German Edition) by Karsten Altenhain, Matthias Jahn 0.0 0 May 5
49 razones para no olvidar (Spanish Edition) by Lourdes Encinas Moreno , Rigo Gutiérrez 4.3 50 Jun 22
As raças humanas e a responsabilidade penal no Brasil (Portuguese Edition) by Raymundo Nina Rodrigues 4.4 61 May 5
Ayotzinapa y la crisis del estado neoliberal mexicano (ReVisión Universitaria) (Spanish Edition) by David Velasco Yáñez, Edilberto Jaime Antonio Texcahua 4.2 18 May 5
Beschleunigungsstrategien der Strafjustiz: Eine empirische Studie zum Strafbefehlsverfahren in der Schweiz (German Edition) by Mirjam Stoll 0.0 0 May 5
VIOLÊNCIA, PUNIÇÃO E ENCARCERAMENTO (Portuguese Edition) by Sal Fernanda Pimentel Sá 4.5 26 May 5
Familia y privación de la libertad en Colombia (Spanish Edition) by Carol Iván Abaunza Forero, Mónica Mendoza Molina 4.0 1 Aug 6
Strategies and Techniques for Teaching Family Law (Aspen Teaching Guide Series) by Robin Fretwell Wilson 0.0 0 Apr 27
Adultos mayores privados de la libertad en Colombia (Spanish Edition) by Carol Iván Abaunza Forero, Mónica Alexandra Mendoza Molina 0.0 0 May 5
Delitti contro l'ambiente: Nuovi reati nel codice penale italiano (Italian Edition) by Arpae Emilia-Romagna 3.7 28 Aug 17
Crime and Criminal: Murder Mystery Thriller by Richard Marsh and Harold Piffard 3.9 23 Jan 3
Rapport d’information sur la prescription pénale (French Edition) by Assemblée nationale, Alain Tourret 0.0 0 May 5
Власть суда в применении наказания: (в Кавказском юридическом обществе) (Russian Edition) by Анатолий Фёдорович Кони 0.0 0 May 5
Grandi Opportunità Da Questo Sconosciuto: Il Contratto Di Affidamento Fiduciario (Italian Edition) by Silvano Maggio 4.4 23 Oct 31
Expose Three Evil of the CCP: Creating Wuhan Virus, Harvesting Organs Alive, Financial Fraud (Century Sentence Book 1) by Xu Xue Chun 5.0 2 Sep 21
Антропологическая школа в уголовном праве: (в С.-Петербургском юридическом обществе) (Russian Edition) by Анатолий Фёдорович Кони 0.0 0 May 5
O Investigado Como Sujeito de Direitos: Uma Releitura do Artigo 5°, Inciso LV (Portuguese Edition) by Marcelo Eduardo Freitas 4.8 16 May 5
Qué hacemos por la sanidad pública (Que Hacemos (akal)) (Spanish Edition) by Juan Oliva Moreno and y otros 4.5 2 May 5
Como se fazem as leis (Portuguese Edition) by Luciana Botelho Pacheco and Edições Câmara 4.6 0 Apr 3
The Mueller Report: The Law behind the Jurisdiction and the Power of a Special Counsel & Full Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election by Robert S. Mueller and Special Counsel's Office U.S. Department of Justice 0.0 0 Oct 2
Low Carb Cookbook: Delicious Low Carb Diet Recipes by Jason Thawne 3.9 98 Jul 4
Law, Technology and Dispute Resolution: The Privatisation of Coercion (Law, Science and Society) by Riikka Koulu 4.6 30 Aug 15
New Era Community (The Agni Yoga Series Book 3) by Agni Yoga Society 4.8 30 Jul 24
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Avg 5.0 of 4 ratings - Last Verified May 12
Avg 4.3 of 7 ratings - Last Verified Aug 12
49 razones para no olvidar (Spanish Edition) by Lourdes Encinas Moreno , Rigo Gutiérrez
Avg 4.3 of 50 ratings - Last Verified Jun 22
Avg 4.4 of 61 ratings - Last Verified May 5
Avg 4.2 of 18 ratings - Last Verified May 5
Avg 4.5 of 26 ratings - Last Verified May 5
Familia y privación de la libertad en Colombia (Spanish Edition) by Carol Iván Abaunza Forero, Mónica Mendoza Molina
Avg 4.0 of 1 ratings - Last Verified Aug 6
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Apr 27
Adultos mayores privados de la libertad en Colombia (Spanish Edition) by Carol Iván Abaunza Forero, Mónica Alexandra Mendoza Molina
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified May 5
Avg 3.7 of 28 ratings - Last Verified Aug 17
Crime and Criminal: Murder Mystery Thriller by Richard Marsh and Harold Piffard
Avg 3.9 of 23 ratings - Last Verified Jan 3
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified May 5
Avg 4.8 of 16 ratings - Last Verified May 5
Avg 4.5 of 2 ratings - Last Verified May 5
Como se fazem as leis (Portuguese Edition) by Luciana Botelho Pacheco and Edições Câmara
Avg 4.6 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Apr 3
Avg 0.0 of 0 ratings - Last Verified Oct 2
Avg 3.9 of 98 ratings - Last Verified Jul 4
Avg 4.8 of 30 ratings - Last Verified Jul 24